Engineering Smiles To Last A Lifetime
There are many benefits to the Precision Smile System, including:
- Minimal recovery time
- Lower overall costs when compared to a single implant
- No need for bone grafting, in most cases
- Easy oral hygiene and home care
- Ability to eat and enjoy all foods
- No more frustrating removable appliances
- Long-term results
- Bone level stabilization
- Greater self-confidence and overall quality of life
- A brand new smile in possibly just one day!
Traditional dental implant surgery relies on experience and skill, Precision Smile Technology offers a cutting-edge approach for Full Mouth Dental Implants that leverages advanced patented technology for enhanced precision and predictability.
This innovative technique utilizes CT scans, Facial Scans, and 3D models of your jawbone and teeth to create a customized surgical plan and specialized Precision Smile System just for you. During the procedure, the Precision Smile System ensures precise implant placement, minimizing the risk of nerve damage and optimizing long-term implant success. Precision Smile Technology can also lead to minimally invasive procedures with faster healing times. This system was developed for dentists and patients who desire preplanned, predictable guided surgical protocols. Precision Smile delivers secured bite verification, secured bone reduction, secured site drilling, accurate secured temporization, and a method of transferring all surgical and restorative information for the final restorative phase.
At New Smile Now Dental Implant Centers, our mission is to offer state-of-the-art care in order to make your treatments as minimally invasive and accurate as possible. Your New Smile Now Dental Implant Centers achieves the highest level of precision when performing dental implant surgery through the use of the dental implant “Precision Smile Technology System” that removes all the guesswork from the procedure. In fact, when we use this guided implant surgery technology, virtually 90 percent of the actual work is done prior to the day of surgery! This results in less time you have to sit in the dental chair and have a more accurate and successful final product. The Patented “Precision Smile Technology” allows clinicians to provide the patients with the best success possible!
Is a revolutionary advancement in comprehensive guided facially driven digital workflows that produces precise, predictable, and pre-engineered new smiles for patients.
Precision Smile Proprietary Face Scanning System
Precision Smile Facial Scanner
- The Most Beautiful Natural Smile
- Provides an accurate scan of your face and teeth eliminating the need for fiducial markers, bite forks, and analog facebow.
- Allows for facially driven 3D designed smiles that will look exactly like the design in the frontal and transverse planes, midline, teeth size, and shape, the curve of Speed/Wilson, and smile line.
- Because bite forks are not necessary when using the Precision Smile Facial Scanner, we can capture your bite in any vertical. This is a huge benefit because it allows the restoration to be designed and restored with minimal adjustments. And with such a large field of view, having space between the teeth is not an issue, especially compared to conventional workflows.
- NO verification jigs
- NO bite registrations needed at surgery
- NO wax try-ins
- NO midlines that are off-centered
- NO more canted smiles
- NO grinding in the occlusion
- NO facebows or 2D photos necessary
- NO implant impressions at the time of surgery

Precision Smile Facial Scanner
- The Most Beautiful Natural Smile
- Provides an accurate scan of your face and teeth eliminating the need for fiducial markers, bite forks, and analog facebow.
- Allows for facially driven 3D designed smiles that will look exactly like the design in the frontal and transverse planes, midline, teeth size, and shape, the curve of Speed/Wilson, and smile line.
- Because bite forks are not necessary when using the Precision Smile Facial Scanner, we can capture your bite in any vertical. This is a huge benefit because it allows the restoration to be designed and restored with minimal adjustments. And with such a large field of view, having space between the teeth is not an issue, especially compared to conventional workflows.
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